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Ms. Addie raised her children to be financially responsible adults. Little did they know that underneath the surface, their mom was struggling to be the role model she sought to be for them. A busy life paired with inattention to the frequency of her bills left Ms. Addie feeling financially overwhelmed.

But Ms. Addie refused to back down. Once there was no longer a place for her to stay, she knew she’d do whatever it took to get back on her feet—without asking her kids to help her correct the mistakes she made, putting them at risk for financial burdens themselves. So she sought out help.

Ms. Addie, in addition to her job, also works as an intern at G180—helping further our mission day to day.
She takes a moment to reflect in Gateway180’s garden on the changes in her life.
Beyond receiving the help she needs from G180, Ms. Addie has a lot to offer in return.
Ms. Addie currently resides in our gymnasium when she’s not working or at her internship.
A stellar example of the kind of impact G180 can have on members of our community, Ms. Addie looks forwards to a future in which she can give back.

At the Gateway180 house, Ms. Addie was overwhelmed by the kindness of the staff and their dedication to the families that stay there. Seeing the families and kids there made her feel right at home, and even more determined to get back to a stable life.

When you find that place of help, leave your problems at the door. Holding on to problems can prevent you from moving forward.
Ms. Addie

As she looks forward to once again being in her own apartment close to her family, she regularly reflects on which qualities helped her come this far. A desire to push forward at all costs, a newfound dedication to saving her income, and an unwavering religious faith give her the tools she needs to create the life she wants.